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How Can I Grow?

Grace Baptist is a church community—a family where people can be less than perfect. We don't claim to know all the answers, but we know the One Who does have the answers. Having a strong, rooted relationship with Jesus is how the church remains strong and healthy.​


Each member of the church family should strive to be spiritually healthy and active in their growth as a Christian. The church is a place for healing, encouragement, and learning. The church is a catalyst for people to fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ: to go into all the world and reach people with the truth of eternal life.


Every week, dozens of people are becoming grounded in their faith and learning answers to their spiritual questions. Discipleship Classes are one-on-one or small group classes where you will be paired up with an experienced Christian who will help guide you in your new or growing faith.

Interested in joining a group?

Discipleship is about learning and walking after Jesus. It's also about following in the footsteps of those following Jesus too. We would love for you to partner with the right person so that you can maximize your spiritual growth.

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